Nikkei Garden Hotel offers guests with no less than two-star accommodation and what it calls guest-friendly features. It is located on Hernan Cortes Street in Subangdaku, Mandaue City, Cebu. For a pleasant and comfortable stay in Cebu this lodging is worth the try. Just consider the following features.
Room amenities at Nikkei garden Hotel basically include air-conditioning, phone facility, and TV. In addition, all 58 rooms also have hot and cold shower, quality beds and bed furnishings, plus room facilities conducive for a quality and pleasurable, relaxed stay. There are 3 room options: the Standard, Deluxe, and Superior rooms. Aside from quality accommodation, guests also get to enjoy the hotel amenities.
Hotel Amenities
Nikkei Garden Business Hotel amenities can be summarized in these words: guest-friendly. And by this, the hotel means the special “personal touch” accorded to its features and services, like the polite friendliness at the front desk, overall hotel service, the pleasant garden grill ambience, 24-hour restaurant service, as well as the catering service, to mention a few.
Wedding receptions and other big events, like special birthdays and baptisms, can be held at the restaurant. You may also do a product launching in this hotel. Nikkei Garden Business Hotel also has a conference room, a coffee shop, postal service, airline assistance, and business office. Parking is not a problem, even for buses, and there is even a car wash service. Massage service e is also available.
Proximity to Commercial Areas
Nikkei Garden Business Hotel is about 10 minutes from the SM City Mall in Cebu and other shopping malls and about 15 minutes from the airport.
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