
23 Homegrown Cebu Restaurants You Shouldn’t Miss

2014-08-11T06:35:46+08:00 August 11th, 2014Fine Dining, Virtual Guides, Where to Go

#9 Base Line Restaurant and Recreation Center

Baseline Restaurant

This restaurant and mini-sports complex is located at the corner of Juana Osmena and Maria Cristina Streets in Cebu. Starting operations in 1973, it first offered a clubhouse and 4 pelota courts to the public. The clubhouse was later turned into a fine dining restaurant in 1976 being known for Filipino and Continental food dishes, with roasted calf as the main highlight. Aside from serving big buffet courses for conferences, weddings and other big occasions, Base Line also offers kiddie party meals, sit-down snacks, and affordable packed meals. It is famous today for premium steaks, fried chicken, sizzling meat and vegetable meals. As years passed, more sports facilities were added—archery, tennis, basketball and volleyball, various martial arts and boxing—making it the unique restaurant and recreation center idea it is today.

Address: Juana Osmena St. Cebu City 6000 Philippines
Website: www.canizares.com.ph/baseline.html
Tel. No.: (+63 32) 253 5415 / (+63 32) 253 5427
Fax No.: (+63 32) 253 8781

Update: Baseline Restaurant and Recreation Center has stopped its operations last February 2014 to give way to a 16-story building on the 1.6-hectare property complex.

Editor’s Note: To view other Homegrown Restaurants in Cebu on this list, simply browse through the page numbers below.

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